Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Want to see the history of how a Google Doc was created? Try adding the extension Revision History. Even includes deletions, large copy/pastes, writing sessions, and active writing time.

 A little over 7 years ago I blogged about the draftback extension that allows you to basically see a "movie" of how a Google Doc was created.

Today, we will take a look into the extension Revision History.

The site describes the extension as the following, 

Revision History helps teachers see students' process when they write essays in Google Docs. It is meant to help teachers guide their students through revisions as well as to ensure that students are not just copy/pasting text from AI/LLMs/ChatGPT or other sources.

With Revision History, you can see:

- How many edits students made to their essays

- How long they spent writing

- What snippets they copy/pasted

- Watch a video replaying the document being written (NEW - in beta)

It also works with documents submitted to Google Classroom (as long as they were drafted in Google Docs).

Pretty awesome right?

Embedded below is a 1 minute and 50 second YouTube tutorial.

Take care,


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