Wednesday, March 9, 2022
YouTube - how to see captions as well as translated captions.
Create YouTube Playlist with Videos “Made for Kids”
In YouTube the ability to create and share Playlists with students and families allows for some great learning resources to made available to them.
One "issue" is when you are playing a video and that video is categorized as "Made for Kids" it does not allow you to add them directly to a playlist. A way to still add that video it to search for the title of the playlist in YouTube, but do not play it. Look for the thumbnail video and choose the three dots in the upper right. You can now save that video directly to a playlist of your choosing. (see image below)
Embedded below is a 2 minute and 9 second YouTube tutorial showing you how to create a playlist, how to delete a playlist, as well as how to share a playlist.
Take care,
How to give temporary access to files in Google Drive.
The ability to give temporary access to files in Google Drive is a great new option in Google Drive (available in Google Workspace).
Share the file and be sure to give the other person permission (viewer, commenter, or editor).
Select the permission options and now you will see the option to allow temporary access (comment and view only).
You will also have the ability to allow the user 30 days of access or to remove the access on a particular date.
Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Khan Academy - How to send quick review or enrichment questions to your class or specific student(s).
Khan Academy is an amazing free resource available for our students (and for us as well). While it can be overwhelming, a simple way to use it would be to send review questions to your students. What is great about it is that the students can take the assessment (usually between 4-7 questions), receive assistance if needed, and then see their score. What I especially like is the fact that they can click on the score and see their answers to the questions as well as retake the assessment and get a higher grade!
Embedded below is a 1 minute and 37 second YouTube tutorial showing you the necessary steps.
Take care,
A look at Flippity's WordMaster. Similar to Wordle - can create up to 10 characters and easily share
If you like to play Wordle - there is a great website called that allows you to easily create your own Wordles to share with others. I created a blog post as well - How to create your own custom Wordle. has included the game called Word Master. ** Make sure to check out all of Flippity's other options as well - it is an outstanding site.**
Word Master is very similar to Wordle with a few minor tweaks. You can see the differences below:
Important differences from Wordle:
There is no dictionary. Players may type whatever the wish, including gibberish.
There is no standard character set. You may use numbers, symbols, and non-English characters in your puzzles (but players will need to be able to type those characters.)
You may use words of any length up to 10 characters. 5 character words are recommended.
Embedded below is a 1 minute and 59 second YouTube tutorial.
Take care,
Monday, March 7, 2022
Shortcut on how to reload a webpage without using cached content.
If you have ever had a website not load properly there is a shortcut that allows you to reload the webpage without using cached content - try Shift+Ctrl+r.
If you want to clear your cache - you can click on this link for a blog post I created: Ever have a website not load properly? Try clearing your cached images and files.
For a full list of Chromebook shortcuts click here.
Embedded below is a 42 second YouTube tutorial.
Take care,
Wednesday, March 2, 2022
Take a look at a World Map that transforms it to show how large countries would be according to other criteria.
Bouncymaps provides users with a look at data on a map in a whole new way. The site shows the "regular" world map with the ability to hover over each county and show data revolving around the criteria (example - United States has 329.1 million people which is 4.3% of the World's population). However, where it gets super "cool" is when you look at the bottom of the map and choose Bouncy Map instead of World Map. The map "changes" to reflect the criteria, not the land size of the country.
There are a number of criteria that includes sub categories as well.
Tuesday, March 1, 2022 - Convert media files online from one format into another for free
If you are in need of converting a media file into another file, give a try. The site is very easy to use and can convert the files you see below.
Google Photos search options - you can search by places, holidays, faces, even specific dates.
Google Photos has a ton of amazing feature; however the one that can save you a ton of time is the search option. You can search by face (include a name for even easier searching), favorites, holidays, concerts, sports, and my favorite one for specific search is by date. Just type in a date and Google will take you right there. Nice to have that ability.
Embedded below is a 33 second YouTube tutorial.
Take care,
How to see a list of your more recent copies on a Windows based device.
If you have ever copied an item on your Windows-based device and then by mistake copied another one prior to pasting the original one, you know it can be a big frustration. Well, there is a simple solution:
- hold down the Windows Key and the letter V
Chromebook Clipboard - how to see a list of last 5 copied items easily.
- select the "search" button (look like a magnifying glass above Shift) and the letter V
Save articles, videos, websites until you need them with Tab Snooze.
If you have a website that you have found but would like to save it for later, try adding the extension Tab Snooze.
Once you click on the extension you can snooze the tab to come back to at a later date and time. Now, I have reached out to the developer to see why the at the date of this post some of the options are not showing as you see below.
How to present Google Slides in fullscreen and still have it be interactive.
If you present your Google Slides in present mode you know that while it is awesome, you can not interact with the slides.
If you want to present in (almost) fullscreen, add the extension Fullscreen Interactive Google Slides
When you have a Slide make sure to select the extension and then you will see the slide projected and still be able to interact.
Embedded below is a 1 minute and 36 second YouTube tutorial.
Take care,
Back in 2011 Google created an awesome guitar Google Doodle to celebrate Les Paul 's 96th birthday. You can play the guitar with your...
Title: Create a Fun Holiday Activity Using Canva The holiday season is a perfect time to add a sprinkle of creativity to your classroom acti...