Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Last week I saw a Tweet by Eric Curts (awesome follow by the way - especially for Google related posts) about a very helpful website especially for teachers called Classroomscreen.

Classroom screen allows the user to
choose a background 
type your instruction in the text area and zoom
choose a work symbol 
set a timer or show the clock 
use the traffic light 
pick a random name
do some simple math
draw in-screen or full-screen
generate a qr-code
drag and drop the icons in the right place

Embedded below is a GIF followed by a detailed 2 minute and 52 second YouTube tutorial.

Take care,

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

How to remove email threads (conversations) on your iPhone

Yesterday I posted an article about emails being grouped in a conversation in Gmail. I had a number of questions that people asked me about how to do the same on an iPhone.

Here are the steps - settings --- Mail --- Threading --- toggle off Organize by Thread and Complete Threads

Embedded below is a GIF as well as a 36 second YouTube tutorial.

Take care,

Monday, May 29, 2017

In Gmail frustrated by emails grouped in a conversation?

 Within the past two days the topic about not being able to find emails from a particular person has come up. More often than not, the issue that people were frustrated about was that it was buried in a conversation.

The answer is to enter into your settings ---set conversation view to off --- save.

Embedded below is a GIF as well as a 39 second YouTube tutorial I created.

Take care,

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Encrypt an email in Gmail

If you would like to send an email that requires a password to open - try adding the extension Secure Mail .

You will see the extension be live when there is a lock next to the compose button.

Simply select the lock--- compose your email --- select send encrypted --- create a password and optional hint.

Embedded below is a GIF followed by a 1 minute and 15 second YouTube tutorial. The person you are sending the encrypted message to would need to have the extension added as well.

Take care,

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Self destructing email for Gmail

If you have an email that you would like to have expire in 60 seconds (think Snapchat) - the extension Snapmail  may be of interest to you.

Simply add the extension --- compose your email --- instead of selecting blue send button, select the green Snapmail button.

Embedded below is a GIF as well as a 1 minute and 32 second YouTube tutorial.

Take care,

Friday, May 26, 2017

In Gmail you have two email addresses

You read that right! In Gmail you have 2 email addresses you can use. This is especially helpful if you are opening  multiple accounts in a website or app.

The first one is your typical - but the other one is

Nice to have if you ever need it.

Embedded below is a GIF followed by a 1 minute YouTube video I created.

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Want to see body of your e-mail quickly in Gmail?

If you would like to see the body of your e-mail in Gmail simply follow these steps, look at the GIF, or watch the 52 second YouTube video below.

Settings Gear (right side) --- Settings --- Labs --- Type in preview pane in search bar --- enable preview pane


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Child or students need help with telling time? Try Khan Academy (free and don't need an account)

If your child or students in your class need help or need review when it comes to telling time, one resource is Khan Academy. Previously I created a post on Khan Academy and it provides you with information about the site as well as the parent and teacher point of view.

The user does not need to sign up for an account (although I recommend it) and can quickly search for telling time and will be presented with a helpful video tutorial as well as problems to answer. Once the user answers 5 questions in a row correctly, the user can move on to the next topic they desire.

Embedded below is a GIF as well as a 1 minute and 23 second YouTube tutorial.

In the immortal words of Andy Reid, "Time's yours!"

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Pixar & Khan Academy - Learn Animation & Bring a ball to life

Pixar's Introduction to Animation is appropriate for children of all ages. The entire 'Welcome to Animation" will take roughly an hour to complete.

Lessons include straight ahead animation, as well as what is termed Linear interpolation (connecting key poses with straight lines), and Bezier curves (how to get smooth motion between frames).

Embedded below is a GIF as well as a 53 second YouTube tutorial showing straight ahead animation.

Take care,

Monday, May 22, 2017

Play The Oregon Trail online!

The Oregon Trail is available to play on-line for free. It is just like it was when you played it on your Apple II 30 years ago.

Embedded below is a GIF, a 1 minute and 10 second YouTube video, as well as a few screen shots.

Take care,

Sunday, May 21, 2017

List of Google Expeditions

If you would like to have a list of all Google Expeditions that includes a brief description - click here.

Embedded below is a brief (33 seconds) You Tube tutorial I created to show you what it looks like.

Take care,

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Shift Z to make a folder in Google Drive accessible in multiple locations

If you would like to make a folder in your Google Drive accessible in multiple locations - try using Shift Z.

Embedded below is a GIF followed by a 34 second YouTube tutorial.

Take care,

Friday, May 19, 2017

Want students to learn skip-counting (multiples)? Try this game

Adventureman is a fun game created by 

In this game Adventure Man races to find hidden treasures before his arch nemesis Mr. Thief gets their first. The only way to get to those treasures is to answer skip-counting math questions.

Below you will see a GIF and 1 minute and 27 second YouTube video tutorial below.


Thursday, May 18, 2017

See standards in an game

If you would like to see (or share) the standards that correlate to games on ABCYA.

When you select a game, look to the right of the title of the game and select standards. You will then be redirected to a list of all games and your chosen game will come up showing you the common core standard(s) that go along with the game. Not all games have matches for standards.

Embedded below is a GIF followed by a 44 second YouTube tutorial I created.

Take care,

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Write a text conversation and save it as a video!

If you ever seen some of the videos / GIFs that have been circulating lately - they can be very funny. The ability to see what one person wants to text and then erases is - really can make it funny!

The texting story app could really be a fun app to use in school to either introduce a lesson, or have a culminating text project showing that the students really grasped the topic taught.

Embedded below is a GIF conversation between a parent and their child as well as a  2 minute and 26 second YouTube tutorial I created showing how to use the app.

Take care,

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Change a photo - change the perception - try Face App to transform a face using Artificial Intelligence

** This app is intended for teachers / adults. **
** I would not recommend downloading this app for students - especially in an elementary setting **
Reason being is the possibility of the app being misused for what you may have intended it for.

Face App  allows a user to transform a face using artificial intelligence. I have embedded below a GIF as well as a 55 second YouTube tutorial.

One way that this app could be used in education was in dealing with perception and how facial features can alter your perception. The example below shows the famous Frankenstein photo as well as one in which the photo has been altered.

Take care,

Monday, May 15, 2017

Share your Google file directly within your file

If you would like to send out a Google file quickly - simple follow these steps.

File  --- e-mail as attachment ---  select PDF or other options --- type in e-mail ---- send away!

Embedded below is a GIF as well as a 56 second YouTube tutorial.

Take care,

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Want to print a Google Slide as a flyer?

Many find creating Google Slides presentations very user friendly and visually appealing. Because of this, why not use Slides to create a flyer? All you need to do is the following:

Select File > Page setup > Change widescreen to custom > change dimensions to 8.5" by 11"

Embedded below is a GIF followed by a 32 second YouTube tutorial.

Hope you have a nice day!

Saturday, May 13, 2017

On a Windows machine and want to record your screen quickly?

If you have a Windows machine and want to quickly record your screen try using:

The Windows key and G.

This will open up the Game Bar (Xbox) that is built into the computer.

The videos (or screenshots) are easiest found by the following.

Type in Xbox in the search bar > then selecting Game DVR on the side menu (4th option on the side menu below, you will see it with a light grey box around it.

Embedded below you will see an animated GIF as well as a 45 second YouTube tutorial.

Thanks for reading!

Friday, May 12, 2017

How to publish a book in book creator

Book Creator announced recently an awesome upgrade that included the ability to publish a creation on-line. This is amazing upgrade - you can read all about the upgrade by clicking here. Please note that students can not publish a creation, only a teacher can share.

Embedded below you will see a GIF followed by a 1 minute and 24 second YouTube tutorial.

Enjoy publishing those creations!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Make sure you have spelling suggestion(s) in a Google Doc?

I had a teacher e-mail that a student did not see spelling suggestions while working on a Doc on a Chromebook.

The issue was that he did not have a check next to show spelling suggestions under View.

Take care,

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Google Photos can turn your pictures into a Mother’s Day movie

All you need to do is click here to be directed to a link within Google Photos and select the picture of who the mother is and who the children / grandchildren are. Through facial recognition, Google will create a movie for you in just a matter of moments.

Give it a shot - I did for my mom and my wife! Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there!


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Use Apple Maps to mark your location (great for marking where you park)

Yesterday's post dealt with using Google Maps to mark where you park your car - today's is if you would like to use Apple Maps.

If you have an iPhone and use Apple Maps - simply select the GPS locator (Blue Dot) by touching it - select the i in the upper right of the screen and then select Mark my location.

Embedded below is  a 26 second YouTube video tutorial I created.

Take care,

Monday, May 8, 2017

Never forget where you parked again (with Google Maps)

If you have ever forgot where you parked and wandered around a city or town for awhile, you know how awful that feeling is.

Well thankfully Google Maps allows you to set your parking location very easily. If you have location services on, simply select the blue location "dot" and then a card will come up where you can select P for Set as parking location.

You can also share your location with others as well - especially helpful when travelling with a number of vehicles.

Below you will see an animated GIF followed by a 1 minute and 4 second YouTube tutorial I created.

As always, any questions please let me know.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

On a page and want to "pin" it?

If you use Pinterest and would like a nice and simple way to quickly save your "pins" try using the Pinterest Save Button extension in Chrome.

Embeeded below is a GIF followed by a 29 second YouTube tutorial I created.


Saturday, May 6, 2017

Want to see your Chrome history in a pie chart?

Chrome Visual History  lets you see your Chrome history by breaking it down visually by site in a pie chart form.

The picture below shows a pie chart of today, this week, this month, and all time. When you run the extension it will show you on the right-hand side what each color represents.

Take care,

Friday, May 5, 2017

Want to speed read any selected text on the web?

If you would like to speed read text on the web (anywhere from 10 - 1,000 words per minute) try the extension Readline.

Embedded below is a GIF followed by a 44 second YouTube video tutorial.

Take care,

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Free app to add annotations to your photos

If you are looking for an easy to use (and free) app for adding annotations to you photos, PDFs, webpages, etc - try Skitch.

Embedded below you will see a GIF of a few of the options in Skitch followed by a 1 minute and 36 second YouTube tutorial.

Hope you have a nice day!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Free whiteboard for iOS devices (iPad / iPhone)

If you are looking for a clean and simple whiteboard - try out the app - Whiteboard - Nothing more nothing less.

The app allows you to import pictures, graphs, as well as a basketball court, football field, and a soccer field.

The ability to add width of the marker is a nice feature as well.

Embedded below is a GIF as well as a 1 minute and 34 second YouTube video tutorial.

Take care,

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Flipquiz- a quick way to create your own gameshow-style boards for test reviews

If you are looking for a quick and easy way to create a "Jeopardy" or gameshow-style review game - try Flipquiz.

Embedded below is a GIF showing an example I created dealing with baseball as well as an embedded 2 minute and 30 second YouTube video tutorial.

Go Phillies!

Monday, May 1, 2017

Bring math to life with a Virtual Field Trip with the NBA and Discovery Ed - May 4th @1:00

Below you will see some information regarding a Virtual Field Trip with the NBA and Discovery Ed.
 You and your students can ask questions via Twitter by Tweeting to @DiscoveryEd and @jrnba using the hashtag #CareersThatCount.

"Join Discovery Education and Jr. NBA for a virtual field trip to the NBA headquarters, Madison Square Garden, and Madison Square Boys & Girls Club in New York for an inside look at how math is brought to life through careers in basketball. Meet NBA basketball players, executives, and staff who use math every day to improve the game both on and off the court. 

Not everyone will be an NBA player, but anyone with a passion for sports and math can pursue a career in professional athletics. Don't miss this special opportunity to open your students' minds to viable and exciting STEM careers. Register your classroom today for this free, 30-minute virtual field trip, brought to you by Discovery Education Math Techbook and Jr. NBA."
