Saturday, September 30, 2017

Google Expeditions Explore on your own

A new update to Google Expeditions (September 28, 2017) allows the user to Explore on their Own!

No longer is a guide needed. You are presented with what a guide would see and allows you to have the screen narrated to you.

Embedded below is a GIF followed by a 55 second YouTube tutorial (audio is cut off once the app launches - that is a frustration with recording your screen on an iPhone/iPad). I have also included some photos as well.


Take care,

Friday, September 29, 2017

Icons and size of font on Dell computer changing? Change touchpad settings

If you have ever had your icons (or text) shrink or enlarge - many times it is because of the touchpad on your device.

If you would like to get rid of this "ability" simply do the following"

  1. Type in touchpad in the search bar 
  2. Select touchpad options (app)
  3. Select gestures
  4. Uncheck box where it says Zoom
Embedded below is a GIF followed by a 32 second YouTube tutorial.

Take care,

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Want to know what apps may not run properly in iOS11?

If you would like to see what apps may not run on your iOS device try the following:
  1. Settings
  2. General
  3. About
  4. Applications
Embedded below is a GIF followed by a 32 second YouTube tutorial.

Any questions please let me know.

Take care,

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Find someone's Twitter handle in a Google search

If you would like to find someone's Twitter handle quickly and easily - use a Google search and type in @ and then their name.

Embedded below is a GIF followed by a 25 second YouTube tutorial.

If you have any questions please let me know.

Take care,

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Record your voice for spelling lists and place in your Google Site

A fellow teacher in the district where I teach has placed her spelling lists in her classroom website for years.

The example I will be showing below is using the recorder in my DELL notebook. Of course there are many other examples of ways to record your voice - including the use of a mobile device and upload to Google.

This would be great for students to practice their spelling words for a number of reasons.

  1. The students hear your voice.
  2. Students can pause the recording, rewind, etc.
  3. Great for practice.
  4. If students miss a spelling test - they could go onto your site and take the test with headphones
Embedded below is a 2 minutes and 23 second YouTube tutorial.

Take care,

Monday, September 25, 2017

DO NOT DISTURB + how to make sure texts and calls go through

DO NOT DISTURB is a great feature to eliminate distractions when driving. Embedded below is a GIF followed by a 1 minute and 2 second YouTube tutorial.

A way to get through to someone who has this set up is to type URGENT in your text as well as call 2 times within 3 minutes to make sure the call goes through.

If you have any questions please let me know!

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Follow-up to post on how to record your screen from your iOS device

Thursday's post dealt with How to record your screen from your device on an iPhone or iPad. One item to point out is to make sure the microphone is turned on (kind of a big deal).

Here's how you can do it.
Enter into your control center and find the record feature.
Press firmly on the record button and a screen for making sure the microphone is on.

Embedded below is a GIF followed by a second YouTube tutorial.

Take care,

Saturday, September 23, 2017

iOS 11 screenshot - draw on it as well as option to save or DELETE!

In iOS11 when you take a screenshot you now have the option to draw, highlight, save, as well as finally.... DELETE!

Embedded below is a GIF followed by a second YouTube tutorial.

Take care,

Friday, September 22, 2017

In iOS 11 use your camera to scan a QR code

If you have updated to iOS 11 on your Apple device and want to scan a QR code, try this. Open up your camera app, hover over the QR code and you will see a banner at the top of your screen that will open up in Safari.

No need for a QR code reader.

Embedded below is a GIF followed by a 26 second YouTube tutorial I created.

Take care,

Thursday, September 21, 2017

iPhone - iPad - How to record your screen from your device

With the release of iOS 11 there are numerous upgrades. One of them is the ability to record your screen right from your own device.

Here is how you can access the recording feature.

  1. Settings
  2. Control Center
  3. Customize Controls
  4. Add screen recording
  5. Pull up your control center and press screen recording
Embedded below is a GIF followed by a 44 second YouTube tutorial.

Take care,

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

iOS 11 - Control Center

If you own an Apple Device - one feature to be aware of is the newly designed Control Center.

Simply scroll from the bottom and all features are now available on one screen.

One item to point out is that the night shift is available by holding firmly on your brightness.

Embedded below is a GIF followed by a 39 second YouTube tutorial.

Take care,

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Want to download (or just see) a copy of your Facebook Data?

If you would like to download your Facebook Data simply select Quick Help, then settings. You will then see the option to download your data.

Embedded below is a GIF followed by a 37 second YouTube tutorial.

Take care,

Monday, September 18, 2017

Using Chrome and need help? Try F1

If you need help regarding Google Chrome - hit F1 and the Chrome Help Center will instantly come up.

The help ranges from how to update Chrome, fix Flash issues, and many more.

Embedded below is a GIF followed by a 47 second YouTube tutorial.

Take care,

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Xtramath Users can now sign-in using Facebook, Amazon, or Google accounts On iOS devices as well.

A nice feature in Xtramath is that students can sign-in with their Google Accounts (no need to remember their username and password).

Teachers and families can also access their Xtramath account by using Facebook, Amazon, or their Google accounts.

Embedded below is a GIF followed by a 28 second YouTube tutorial.

Any questions, please let me know!

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Close a website by mistake - try this awesome shortcut

Many of us have closed a website by mistake and just wish we could get that site back the way it was. Well - here is the trick to get it back...

Ctrl Shift T

Embedded below is a GIF followed by a 24 second YouTube tutorial.

Take care,

Friday, September 15, 2017

Use Ctrl F to find the number of times a specific word or phrase occurs on a web page or document

If you want to know how many times a word (or phrase) occurs in a document or on a web page try using the shortcut Ctrl F.

Embedded below is a GIF followed by a 29 second YouTube tutorial.

Take care,

Thursday, September 14, 2017

How to upload a PDF in your Google Site

If you have tried to load a PDF into your Google Site - you have found out that, well... you can't. 

However, there is a solution.

1. Upload your PDF to your Google Dive.
2. Make sure to change your sharing settings.
3. Copy the url.
4. Return to your Google Site and the area you wish to have the PDF.
5. Select embed URL and paste in your URL you copied before.
6. Boom - there is your PDF.

Embedded below is a GIF followed by a 2 minute YouTube tutorial.

Take care,

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Install this extension to have Google Classroom directions side by side to their work

With Alice Keeler's classroom split extension students can easily view their assignment directions while working on their assignment.

Embedded below is a GIF followed by a 38 second YouTube tutorial. This view is from a teacher point of view, but you will see what it looks like.

Take care,

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

How to embed an audio file in your Google Site

A cool trick I just tried was placing an audio file from my Google Drive directly into my Google Site.

I used my iPhone voice memo to send the file directly to my Google Drive (17 second YouTube tutorial embedded below).

Next, I went into my file - made sure the sharing settings were anyone with the link can view.

I then selected embed url and pasted in the audio file link.

Finally I published the site and made sure the audio played.

Embedded below is a GIF followed by a 1 minute and 4 second YouTube tutorial.

Take care,

Monday, September 11, 2017

Post homework in Google Sites by embedding a Google Doc

If you are a teacher and have created a Google Site as your website, I have a simple solution for easily posting your homework.

Create a Google Doc for your homework and embed it in your Google Site. Every time you update your homework Doc, it will automatically be updated within your site. No need to go in and update your site everyday.

Embedded below is a GIF followed by a 1 minute and 29 second YouTube tutorial I created.

Take care,

Sunday, September 10, 2017

In Google Sites how to add a logo & top and side navigation bar

In the new Google Sites if you would like to add a logo that will show up on each page - simply follow these simple steps.

1. In the upper-left of the site select Edit Logo.
2. Either upload or select your image.
3. Be sure to select white, black, or transparent for your background.

To change navigation mode - follow these steps.

1. To the left of the Logo select the Gear
2. Select either top or side navigation

Embedded below is a GIF followed by a 46 second YouTube tutorial.

Take care,

Saturday, September 9, 2017

In Google Sites - image a bit off? Try editing and selecting widescreen.

If you have added an image in Google Sites and chopped off a head (like I did in the example below). Try editing your image before you upload. ** This example was done on a Windows based device (Dell).

1. Select your image
2. Select edit
3. Crop your picture how you would like.
4. Select aspect ratio (I used widescreen)
5. Make sure to either save - or save a copy
6. Upload your new image.

Embedded below is a GIF followed by a 1 minute and 7 second YouTube tutorial.

Take care,

Friday, September 8, 2017

See a slideshow of your photos in Google Photos

Google Photos is an amazing free photo and video site that backs up, organizes and labels your them automatically, so you can find them fast, and share them how you like.

One feature I really like is the ability to see a slideshow of all photos/videos in a particular album. All you need to do is (on notebook - not iPhone right now) select the three dots in the upper right corner and select slideshow and you are all set.

Embedded below is a GIF followed by a second YouTube tutorial.

Take care,

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Want to know what is being said in a YouTube video?

If you are watching a YouTube video and would like to see what is being said - simply select the three dots (underneath and to the right of the video) and select open transcript. The transcript will pop-up to the right of the video.

Remember that while it may not be perfect - it is pretty accurate.

Embedded below is a GIF followed by a 39 second YouTube tutorial.

Take care,

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

In Google Sites how to embed videos, documents, etc.

In Google Sites the option to embed videos (you can upload videos from your Drive - does not have to be YouTube) and Google Drive docs is awesome.

Two quick tips to point out.

1. If you would like to quickly see your site and see how something looks - use the Ctrl -. This will zoom your screen out. To go back to 100% - use Ctrl 0.

2. One other tip is when sharing something like a doc, slide, sheet, etc - make sure your sharing section is that it is available for anyone who has the link.

Embedded below is a GIF followed by a 1 minute and 58 second YouTube tutorial.

Take care,

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

In Google Sites - create new pages(s), create sub pages, rename pages, and duplicate pages, etc

This week the focus has been on Google Slides. In today's post it deals with how to:
  1. Add pages - select pages in the upper right and then the + sign with what looks like a page and name it
  2. Create sub pages - once you have created your page you can either drag it under a previously created page - or select the three dots next to the page you would like to have a page created underneath. Just select create sub page.
  3. Rename page - select the three dots next to the page you would like to rename and then select rename page. 
  4. Duplicate Pages - select the three dots next to the page you would like to duplicate and then select duplicate page.
Embedded below is a GIF followed by a 1 minute and 49 second YouTube tutorial I created.

Take care,

Monday, September 4, 2017

Google Sites - Home Page - how to change images, header types, themes, etc.

The new Google Sites is a much easier to use site than the previous version. While there are still limitations and frustrations (lack of embedding blogger to name one) - it is a user-friendly experience.

One suggestion I have is to add the G-Suite Training extension as it provides tutorials for you right in the site itself.  Click here for a blog post I created back in November of 2016 (includes a 1 minute video tutorial).

Embedded below is a GIF followed by a 6 minute and 10 second walk through YouTube tutorial.

As always any questions please let me know.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

How to quickly create a Google Site and publish it

This week my posts will be revolving around Google Sites. This first post deals with how easy it is to create your free site through Google.

One way is to enter through in that way you will see any previous sites you have created.

However, a simple way is to go through your Google Drive and select

  • New
  • More
  • Google Sites
Make sure to name your site and then publish it. If you would like to add editors to your site select the icon that looks like a person and a + and choose who you would like to add.

Embedded below is a GIF followed by a 59 second YouTube tutorial.

Take care,

Saturday, September 2, 2017

In Remind and have questions? Use their awesome Help Center

If you have any questions when using Remind such as how to create a class, add an owner, leave a class, forgot password, etc?

Try Remind's awesome help selecting your name in the upper left corner of the screen and then select Help Center.

Embedded below is a GIF followed by a 1 minute and second YouTube tutorial.

Take care,

Friday, September 1, 2017

In Remind - How to archive and restore previously archived classes

In Remind the ability to archive classes is a great option to clean up your sidebar (if have numerous classes) and the classes with the information are not deleted.

If you would like to archive a particular class, select the gear in the upper right corner and then scroll down in the screen to where it says Remove from class list. It will then ask you if you would like to perform this action.

If you would like to bring a class back from being archived, select your name (upper left) then account, and then archived classes. you can then restore the archived class you wish to bring back.

Embedded below is a GIF followed by a 37 second YouTube tutorial.

As always, any questions please let me know.
