Wednesday, November 24, 2021

How to create a translated copy of your original Google Doc to share easily with others.

A friend of mine today shared with me how she uses Google Docs to create her newsletters for school and then has a copy of it instantly translated.

To have your document translated:

  • select Tools
  • translate document
  • choose the language desired
This will now create a copy of your document with the translation.

Embedded below is a 54 second YouTube tutorial.

Adios, Arrivederci,  Au Revoir, Adeus, Auf Wiedersehen, Sayōnara, Do svidaniya, Annyeong.


Tuesday, November 23, 2021

How to copy a specific part of an article and share that with others in Google Chrome.

 If you would like to send a certain section of an article in Google Chrome you can now highlight the text and then right-click and choose Copy link to highlight (see image below).

Embedded below is a 49 second YouTube tutorial.

Take care,
