Friday, July 19, 2024

Take screenshots of any YouTube video without an extension.


Take screenshots of any YouTube video without an extension.

The other day I shared how to Take screenshots of any YouTube video with this extension. However, with most things, you can solve your problem in more than one way.

In order to copy an image (or copy) from a YouTube video all you need to do is:
  • right click 2 x (slowly) and you will then see the image below
  • what I did in the video above is to copy the video frame and paste in a Google Doc
If you have any questions, please reach out.

Take care,

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Nice way to quickly format and organize data with tables in Google Sheets


Nice way to quickly format and organize data with tables in Google Sheets

If you have data in a Google Sheet and would like to quickly format and organize the data, try the following:
  • select the data
  • choose Format
    • convert to table
  • you can then change the column type
  • create custom views
  • personalize your table

Any questions, please reach out.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Take screenshots of any YouTube video with this extension


Take screenshots of any YouTube video with this extension

If you are watching a YouTube video and would like to "grab" an image from the video, try adding this extension Screenshot YouTube.

Once you add the extension and pin to your toolbar, make sure to select the camera icon on the YouTube video at the time you would like an image.

If you have any questions please reach out.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Google Slides best way for students and you to see full screen for creating

 If you have ever been frustrated by the lack of space inside of Google Slides, or if you work with young students, there are a few things you can do to make the area a bit larger.

  • In the upper right click on the x to close out Themes
  • Bottom left (hide filmstrip)
  • Bottom middle (grab the line and pull down)
Your screen should now look like below.

Any questions, please reach out!

Sunday, July 14, 2024

🤖Check out SchoolAI's Course Outline Generator!


🤖Check out SchoolAI's Course Outline Generator! 

If you are looking for an outline for a course (and then detailed lessons that go along) take a look at SchoolAI.

When you enter into SchoolAI, simply choose:
  • Tools
  • Course Outline
  • Generate
  • Enter in Course Details
  • Generate Course
Once the course has been created, you can then enter into the course and choose individual lessons and generate the lessons.

Any questions, please reach out!

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Import a Google Slides presentation into Canva


Import a Google Slides presentation into Canva

Creating a presentation in Google Slides and then adding elements that only Canva provides is very simple.

Once you enter into Canva
  • Select projects on the left hand side
  • Add new on the right
  • Import from App
  • Choose Google Drive
  • Import the Slide and then add the elements you would like
If you have any questions, please reach out.

Take care,

Friday, July 12, 2024

Google Slides - best way for students (and you) to see full screen for creating


If you have worked with young students in creating a presentation in Google Slides, you know how much room is taken up by:

  • Themes (on the right side)
  • Filmstrip (on the left side)
  • Speaker notes (on the bottom)
To create more room
  • Themes (click the x to the right of Themes)
  • Filmstrip (choose the left arrow to hide)
  • Speaker notes (pull down the line at the bottom)

While there are other ways (talked about in the video), these are simple ways to create more room in your presentation.

Take care,

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Isolate your voice with Voice Isolator


If you have ever created a recording and there was background noise that came through it can be extremely frustrating.

Elevenlabs has created a Voice Isolator tool that delivers crystal-clear, isolated speech in any setting.

Simply click on this link and you can see a demo and/or upload or create a new recording.

Take care,


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

In Google Chrome's Tab page - How to Create a Theme with AI


In Google, when you enter into a new tab, take a look in the bottom right and look for create a Theme with AI.

When you select it you will see the options you see below.

It is interesting all the options you can choose.

Any questions please reach out.

Take care,

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

In iOS 18 how to respond to texts with emoji reactions!


                        How to Respond to Texts with Emoji Reactions in iOS 18

With the release of iOS 18, Apple has introduced several new features, including an enhanced way to respond to texts with emoji reactions. This new feature makes it easier and more fun to express yourself in your messages. Here’s a quick guide on how to use emoji reactions in iOS 18:

Step-by-Step Guide

Open the Messages App

Launch the Messages app on your iPhone.

Select a Conversation

Tap on the conversation thread where you want to react to a message.

Long Press on the Message

Find the specific message you want to react to and press and hold it.

Choose an Emoji Reaction

A pop-up menu will appear with a variety of emoji reactions. You can choose from a heart, thumbs up, thumbs down, laugh, exclamation marks, and a question mark.

iOS 18 also allows you to customize these reactions by adding more emojis. To do this, tap on the "More" option (represented by three dots) and select your desired emoji from the expanded list.

Confirm Your Reaction

Tap on the emoji you want to use. Your chosen emoji will now appear on the message, indicating your reaction.

View Reactions

To see who reacted and what emojis were used, simply tap on the small emoji icon that appears next to the message.

Tips and Tricks

Customize Reactions: If you frequently use a particular emoji, customize your quick reaction list for faster access.

Use Multiple Reactions: In iOS 18, you can add multiple emoji reactions to a single message for more expressive feedback.

Notification Settings: Manage your notification settings to receive alerts when someone reacts to your messages. Go to Settings > Notifications > Messages and adjust as needed.


Using emoji reactions in iOS 18 is a fun and efficient way to communicate your feelings in a conversation. Whether you’re showing appreciation with a thumbs up or sharing a laugh, this feature enhances your messaging experience. Try it out and see how it adds a new dimension to your chats!

For more details and updates on iOS 18, visit Apple's Official iOS 18 Page.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Secure Your Google Docs Learn How to Lock and Protect Your Files


Have you ever created a Google Doc and:

  • shared with others but wanted the editors to only edit if it needs to be edited
  • made multiple copies of a doc but you weren't sure which one was :the good one"?
Well a nice feature in Google Docs is the ability to Lock a document. To do this, simply right click on the doc in drive and select File information and then Lock.

When you open the doc that is locked (you as well as the others editors) will see the image you see below. If you click the blue Unlock to edit you will be able to edit

Hope this helps.

Take care,


Sunday, July 7, 2024

Transform Your Google Form into a Quizizz Assessment in Seconds!


Quizizz is an interactive learning platform that allows educators to create fun and engaging quizzes. With features like real-time feedback, gamified learning, and detailed analytics, Quizizz is a favorite among teachers and students alike. It supports asynchronous learning, allowing students to take quizzes at their own pace, and offers a wide range of customization options to tailor quizzes to specific learning objectives.

For years, using Google Forms for assessments has been very great. However, sometime you want to take those forms to the next level. With Quizizz you can do that. Below are instructions on how to import Forms to Quizizz.

Importing the Form to Quizizz

Sign in to Quizizz: Go to Quizizz ( and sign in with your account.

Create a New Quiz: Click on "Create" and select "Quiz".

Import from Google Forms: Click on the "Import" button and choose "From Google Forms". You will be prompted to sign in to your Google account if you haven’t already.

Select Your Form: Choose the Google Form you created earlier from the list of forms available. Quizizz will import the questions and answers from your form.

Customize and Publish: Review the imported questions and make any necessary adjustments. Add images, adjust the timing for each question, and apply any other settings you need. Once satisfied, click on "Finish" to publish your quiz.


Integrating Quizizz with Google Forms is a fantastic way to create dynamic and interactive quizzes that can significantly enhance student learning and engagement. By leveraging these tools, educators can save time on quiz creation while providing students with a more enjoyable and effective learning experience.

Take care,


Saturday, July 6, 2024

Create an alphabet out of anything with a Google Labs AI Experiment GenType


Create an alphabet out of anything with a Google Labs AI Experiment GenType

Google Labs AI Experiment Gen Type truly does allow you the opportunity to create an alphabet out of whatever you can think of.

When you enter the site: you will see the image you see below.

Once you enter in your choice, make sure to give the site around a minute (Please note you will see a progress bar) and then you will be presented with a preview alphabet underneath at which time you can scroll down and see the entire alphabet.

You can then choose the individual letters and download or download a Zip file by choosing the download button.


Friday, July 5, 2024

How to create songs, have them sung for you in the style of your choice, and create a video for that song using artificial intelligence


How to create songs, have them sung for you in the style of your choice, and create a video for that song using artificial intelligence.

Eric Curts posted a blog about how to create Educational Songs with AI tools. Eric does an amazing job breaking everything down for you.

I decided to try this out yesterday and made a video for my brother and he enjoyed it a lot, so that made me decide to make a brief video (above).

Basically, you will want to create a song using AI (I used Chat GPT) and then create a free account on Udio.

Once you create that account you will have options about what style you want the song sung in as well as if you want it sung in a male or female voice.

You will see two options of the song which you can edit and then download.

Once downloaded, I then went to Pixabay and downloaded a royalty free video. This video can then be placed in a video editing software of your choice (such as WeVideo) and place the video and audio together for your music video.

If you have any questions, please see Eric's post  or feel free to reach out.

Take care,

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Master the Art of Detection Unmasking Deepfakes with Northwestern's Cutting Edge Tool


Unmasking Deepfakes: Introducing Northwestern's Detect Fakes Tool

In today's digital age, distinguishing between real and manipulated content is more crucial than ever. Enter Northwestern University's groundbreaking tool: Detect Fakes. Designed to combat the rise of deepfake technology, this platform offers a unique, educational approach to identifying and understanding digital forgeries.

What Are Deepfakes?

Deepfakes are highly realistic but fake videos and images created using artificial intelligence. They can be used to manipulate public opinion, spread misinformation, and even blackmail individuals. The technology behind deepfakes is advancing rapidly, making them increasingly difficult to detect with the naked eye.

Why Detect Fakes Matters

Detect Fakes isn't just a tool; it's an educational resource that empowers users to develop critical skills in media literacy. The platform simulates real-world scenarios where users can practice identifying deepfakes, enhancing their ability to discern authentic content from fraudulent ones.

How It Works

Detect Fakes uses a combination of AI algorithms and expert analysis to evaluate the authenticity of videos and images. Users upload content, and the tool provides detailed feedback on whether the media is genuine or manipulated, along with insights into the detection process. This interactive learning experience is invaluable for educators, students, and anyone interested in digital security.

Educational Benefits

Enhanced Media Literacy: Users learn to critically evaluate digital content, an essential skill in the age of information.

Interactive Learning: The tool offers hands-on practice in identifying deepfakes, making the learning process engaging and effective.

Real-World Application: Skills acquired through Detect Fakes can be applied in various fields, including journalism, cybersecurity, and law enforcement.


As deepfake technology continues to evolve, tools like Detect Fakes are essential for maintaining the integrity of our digital landscape. By using this innovative platform, individuals can stay ahead of the curve, protecting themselves and others from the dangers of digital deception.

Explore Northwestern's Detect Fakes tool today and start your journey towards becoming a savvy digital citizen. Visit Detect Fakes and take the first step in unmasking deepfakes.

Please note that this site is for those 18+ an older. There is a pop-up showing this when you enter the site.

Take care,


Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Wordmark it Discover the Perfect Font for Your Projects Instantly


Wordmark it   Discover the Perfect Font for Your Projects Instantly

In the realm of education, the design and presentation of materials play a significant role in engaging students and enhancing their learning experience. One often overlooked element is the choice of font. The right font can make a document more readable, visually appealing, and professional. However, selecting the perfect font from the myriad options available can be daunting. This is where comes into play.

What is is a web-based tool designed to simplify the process of choosing fonts. It allows users to type in a word or phrase and instantly preview how it looks in all the fonts installed on their computer. This tool can be a game-changer for educators looking to enhance their teaching materials.

Why Fonts Matter in Education

Before diving into how to use, it's important to understand why font selection is crucial in educational settings:

Readability: Fonts affect how easily students can read and comprehend text. A clear, legible font ensures that students focus on the content rather than struggling to decipher the letters.

Engagement: Visually appealing materials can capture students' attention and maintain their interest in the subject matter.

Professionalism: Using appropriate fonts can give educational documents a polished and professional look, reflecting the quality of the content.

How to Use

Using is straightforward and user-friendly. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Visit the Website: Go to

Type Your Text: Enter the word or phrase you want to preview in the search bar. This could be a title, a section heading, or any text you frequently use in your materials.

Preview Fonts: Hit the ‘Enter’ key, and will display your text in every font installed on your computer. Scroll through the previews to see which fonts catch your eye.

Filter Options: You can filter fonts by categories such as serif, sans-serif, and more. This helps narrow down the options based on your specific needs.

Select and Compare: Click on the fonts you like to select them. You can then compare these selected fonts side by side to make a final decision.

Install New Fonts: If you find a font you love but don’t have it installed, provides links to where you can download it.

Practical Applications for Educators

Here are some practical ways educators can use

Lesson Plans: Choose fonts that enhance the readability and engagement of your lesson plans.

Presentations: Select fonts that make your slides visually appealing and professional.

Worksheets and Handouts: Ensure that your printed materials are easy to read and visually consistent.

Classroom Posters: Create eye-catching posters that capture students' attention and convey important information effectively.

Tips for Choosing the Right Font

Keep it Simple: Avoid overly decorative fonts that can be hard to read. Stick to clean, simple fonts for body text.

Consider the Audience: Younger students may benefit from fonts that mimic handwriting, while older students might appreciate more sophisticated typefaces.

Consistency is Key: Use no more than two or three fonts in a single document to maintain a cohesive look.

Conclusion is an invaluable tool for educators looking to improve the design and readability of their materials. By making the process of font selection quick and easy, it allows teachers to focus more on content creation and less on design logistics. Give a try and see how the right font can make a significant difference in your educational materials.

Take care,


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Empower Your Learning Transform Math with a simple interactive Whiteboard


Transforming Math Education with the Math Learning Center's Interactive Whiteboard

In today's rapidly evolving educational landscape, integrating technology into the classroom is no longer a luxury but a necessity. One of the standout tools that is revolutionizing math education is the Math Learning Center's Interactive Whiteboard. This innovative platform offers a dynamic and engaging way for students and teachers to explore mathematical concepts. In this blog post, we'll delve into the features and benefits of this powerful tool and explore how it can enhance the learning experience.

What is the Math Learning Center's Interactive Whiteboard?

The Interactive Whiteboard by the Math Learning Center is a versatile digital tool designed to make math learning more interactive and enjoyable. It is accessible online, which means it can be used both in the classroom and for remote learning. The platform offers a wide range of features that cater to various mathematical activities, making it an invaluable resource for educators.

Key Features

1.    Virtual Manipulatives: The Interactive Whiteboard comes equipped with a variety of virtual manipulatives such as base ten blocks, number lines, fraction tiles, and more. These tools help students visualize and understand abstract mathematical concepts more concretely.

2. Drawing and Annotation Tools: Teachers and students can draw, write, and annotate directly on the whiteboard. This feature is particularly useful for explaining complex problems, illustrating solutions, and encouraging student participation.

3. Interactive Workspace: The whiteboard provides an interactive workspace where students can collaborate on problems in real-time. This fosters a collaborative learning environment, even in remote settings.

4. Customizable Backgrounds: The platform allows users to choose from various backgrounds, such as graph paper, lined paper, and blank canvases, to suit different types of math activities and preferences.

5. Ease of Use: The user-friendly interface ensures that both teachers and students can navigate and utilize the whiteboard with minimal training. This makes it accessible to users of all ages and tech-savviness levels.

Benefits for Educators

The Math Learning Center's Interactive Whiteboard offers numerous benefits that can significantly enhance teaching and learning:

1. Engagement: By making math more interactive and visually appealing, the whiteboard captures students' attention and keeps them engaged in the learning process.

2. Differentiated Instruction: The platform supports differentiated instruction by allowing teachers to tailor activities to meet the diverse needs of their students. Whether a student needs more visual aids or hands-on practice, the whiteboard can accommodate.

3. Formative Assessment: Teachers can use the whiteboard to conduct quick assessments and gain insights into students' understanding. This immediate feedback helps educators adjust their teaching strategies to better meet students' needs.

4. Remote Learning: In the era of online education, the Interactive Whiteboard ensures that learning remains interactive and collaborative, even when students are not physically present in the classroom.

 Benefits for Students

For students, the Interactive Whiteboard offers a fun and effective way to learn math:

1. Visualization: The use of virtual manipulatives and drawing tools helps students visualize math problems, making abstract concepts more tangible and easier to grasp.

2. Collaboration: The platform encourages students to work together on problems, promoting teamwork and communication skills.

3. Active Learning: By actively participating in the learning process, students are more likely to retain information and develop a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts.

4. Confidence: Interactive and engaging activities can boost students' confidence in their math abilities, fostering a positive attitude towards the subject.


The Math Learning Center's Interactive Whiteboard is a game-changer in math education. Its rich features and user-friendly design make it an essential tool for modern classrooms. By incorporating this platform into your teaching strategy, you can create a more engaging, interactive, and effective learning environment for your students. Explore the possibilities today and see how this innovative tool can transform math education in your classroom.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Unveiling Eye Tracking in iOS 18: A Glimpse into the Future of Accessibility


Unveiling Eye Tracking in iOS 18: A Glimpse into the Future of Accessibility

Apple's relentless pursuit of innovation continues with the introduction of eye tracking in iOS 18, a feature poised to revolutionize how users interact with their devices. Eye tracking technology, once confined to specialized assistive devices and high-end research labs, is now accessible to the masses, bringing a new level of inclusivity and convenience to iOS users.

What is Eye Tracking?

Eye tracking is a technology that measures where a person is looking, often by using infrared light and cameras to track the movement of the eyes. This technology can determine where a user’s gaze is focused, providing valuable insights and enabling hands-free control of devices.

How Eye Tracking Works in iOS 18

In iOS 18, Apple has seamlessly integrated eye tracking technology into its operating system. Here's a breakdown of how it works:

1. **Infrared Sensors**: The front-facing camera and specialized infrared sensors track the movement of the user’s eyes.

2. **Calibration**: Users undergo a simple calibration process to ensure the accuracy of the tracking.

3. **Gaze Detection**: The system detects where the user is looking on the screen, allowing for precise control and interaction.

4. **Gesture Integration**: Combined with facial gestures, eye tracking enables complex commands, such as blinking to select or looking away to cancel actions.

 Accessibility at its Core

Apple's eye tracking feature is designed with accessibility in mind. For users with mobility impairments, eye tracking offers a new way to interact with their devices without needing to touch the screen. This can be particularly transformative for individuals with conditions such as ALS, spinal cord injuries, or other motor disabilities.

 Practical Applications

1. **Navigation and Control**: Users can navigate through apps, select items, and control their device using just their eyes. This opens up possibilities for hands-free use in various scenarios, from cooking to working out.

2. **Communication**: Eye tracking can enhance communication apps, enabling users to type and send messages using their gaze, making digital communication more accessible.

3. **Gaming**: Eye tracking brings a new dimension to gaming, allowing players to interact with games in a more immersive and intuitive way.

4. **Productivity**: Professionals can benefit from eye tracking by having more efficient control over their devices during multitasking or presentations.

 Privacy and Security

Apple has implemented robust privacy measures to ensure that eye tracking data is secure. All eye movement data is processed on the device, and no data is shared with third parties without user consent. This commitment to privacy ensures that users can confidently use the feature without concerns over data misuse.

 The Future of Eye Tracking

The introduction of eye tracking in iOS 18 is just the beginning. As developers explore the potential of this technology, we can expect a wave of innovative apps and features that leverage eye tracking for even more advanced and personalized user experiences. From augmented reality to advanced accessibility tools, the future of eye tracking is incredibly promising.


Eye tracking in iOS 18 is a testament to Apple's dedication to making technology more accessible and user-friendly. By bringing this advanced technology to the iPhone, Apple is not only enhancing the way we interact with our devices but also ensuring that everyone, regardless of their physical abilities, can enjoy the benefits of modern technology. As we look to the future, it's clear that eye tracking will play a crucial role in shaping the next generation of digital experiences.

For more information, click below.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Where are my extensions in Google Chrome 2024?


Around 4 years ago I made a video revolving around Chrome extensions and where they can be found. Well, 4 years later and things have changed a bit. For step-by-step details - watch the above embedded tutorial.

For additional information please read below.

Introduction to Chrome Extensions in 2024

Google Chrome extensions enhance browsing by adding functionality. However, users often struggle to locate these extensions. This guide will help you find and manage your Chrome extensions in 2024.

Accessing Extensions Menu

To access extensions, click the puzzle icon next to the address bar. This icon represents the Extensions menu, a central location for managing all installed extensions.

Click puzzle icon

Select "Manage Extensions"

In the Extensions menu, you'll see a list of all installed extensions. This menu provides quick access to enable, disable, or remove extensions.

Pinning Extensions to Toolbar

Pinning frequently used extensions to the toolbar can save time. Here's how to do it:

Open Extensions menu

Click pin icon next to extension

Pinned extensions appear on the toolbar for easy access. You can unpin them by clicking the pin icon again.

Using Chrome's Extensions Page

For more detailed management, visit Chrome's Extensions page. Here, you can view details, permissions, and update settings.

Open Extensions menu

Select "Manage Extensions"

This page provides options to configure each extension, including enabling, disabling, and removing them.

Installing New Extensions

To install new extensions, visit the Chrome Web Store. This store offers a variety of extensions to enhance your browsing experience.

Go to Chrome Web Store

Search for desired extension

Click "Add to Chrome"

Once installed, the extension appears in the Extensions menu. You can then manage it from there.

Managing Extension Permissions

Extensions often require permissions to function. You can review and adjust these permissions on the Extensions page.

Open Extensions page

Click "Details" under extension

Review permissions

Adjust permissions as needed to ensure privacy and security. Be mindful of the permissions requested by each extension.

Updating Extensions

Extensions update automatically, but you can manually check for updates. This ensures you have the latest features and security patches.

Open Extensions page

Click "Update" button

This will prompt Chrome to check for updates and install them. Keeping extensions updated is crucial for optimal performance.

Removing Unwanted Extensions

Removing unneeded extensions can improve browser performance. Here's how to remove them:

Open Extensions page

Click "Remove" under extension

Confirm the removal to delete the extension. This frees up resources and can enhance browser speed.


Managing Chrome extensions in 2024 is straightforward with the right steps. Access the Extensions menu, pin useful extensions, and use the Extensions page for detailed management. Install new extensions from the Chrome Web Store and keep them updated. Review permissions regularly and remove unwanted extensions to maintain browser performance.

By following these tips, you can optimize your Chrome browsing experience. Extensions add valuable features, but managing them effectively is key to a smooth, efficient browser.

Take care,


Saturday, June 29, 2024

Unlock Hidden Power How to Use Chrome Extensions in Incognito Mode!


Unlocking Hidden Powers: Using Chrome Extensions in Incognito Mode

Educators often require various tools to enhance their teaching methodologies and streamline their workflow. Google Chrome extensions can be pivotal in achieving this. However, using them in incognito mode can be a challenge.

Why Use Extensions in Incognito Mode?

Privacy and Security: Incognito mode ensures browsing history and cookies are not saved.

Testing and Development: Educators experimenting with new tools can do so without affecting their regular browsing experience.

How to Enable Extensions in Incognito Mode

Access Chrome Settings: Click on the three dots in the upper right corner and navigate to "More tools" > "Extensions".

Manage Extensions: Find the desired extension and click on "Details".

Enable in Incognito: Toggle the option "Allow in incognito".

Practical Applications for Educators

Content Research: Use research tools like Grammarly and Google Scholar without cluttering your browsing history.

Distraction-Free Browsing: Extensions like StayFocusd can help maintain productivity by limiting time on distracting sites even in incognito mode.

By enabling extensions in incognito mode, educators can maintain a balance between functionality and privacy. This method ensures that tools are readily available without compromising security.

Take care,
