Thursday, September 17, 2020

How to use Zoom and Google Meet together to allow for extra support for students.

 If your class is using Zoom for instruction of your class and you have a support teacher in your class and would like them to be able to visually work with the student in a one-on-one setting for a part of the time, try the following.

  • Have the support teacher start a Google Meet -
  • Name the meeting (I recommend the student's first name - but whatever works for you and your district).
    • Start the meet
  • Make sure the student has Google Meet set as a bookmark (choose star to right of url) or (Ctrl+Shift+D) or select the three dots in upper right and choose bookmark this tab.
  •  Have the student join the Google Meet  (remind the student to have a bookmark or someway to easily join and be able to re-join)
  • The support teacher and the student can now work together 
    • the student can show work they are doing
    • the student and support teacher can chat if necessary one-on-one
  • They can leave the Meet and re-enter the Zoom 
Embedded below is a minute and second YouTube tutorial showing what it looks like in a Zoom meeting from the teacher's point-of-view as well as what it looks like from the student's point-of view when in a Google Meet.

Apologies as the Chromebook I was using did not allow for Screencastify to load so my daughter had to shoot the video with my phone. 📱 😀

Of course there may be other ways and I would love to hear them.

Take care,

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