Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Create an app using Google Sheets. You read that correctly! No coding necessary.

Many view creating an app as something that is reserved for those who know coding inside and out. If you can create a spreadsheet in Google Sheets, you can create a working app. While this will create an app - it will not be a published app in the app store or Google Play; however, you can pursue that.

What you will need to do is create the information you want in your app in a Google Spreadsheet and then open up the website Glide -

Once you open the site there are plenty of sample apps (with available spreadsheets) and sample videos.

When you select create app you will then need to choose your spreadsheet and make adjustments once built. One item that I would suggest you look at is the screen icon (left side and looks like a screen of a phone). You can then choose the layout (if using pictures make sure to select list - but check the others as well.

You can then choose to open the app (left side) as well as share (left side). You will see some options available for sharing as well as the settings option that allows you to change the image, name , description, as well as if you would like it public or with a password.

Embedded below is a GIF followed by a 2 minute and 32 second YouTube tutorial.

Take care,

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