Sunday, October 24, 2021

10 YouTube tips in under 1 minute

The embedded YouTube video below will take you through 10 YouTube tips followed by the tips themselves.

  1. To go to full screen press the letter F.
    1. To exit full screen press the Esc or the letter F again.
  2. To Play/Pause your video press the letter K or the Spacebar.
  3. To jump ahead 10 seconds press the letter L to jump back 10 seconds press the letter J.
  4. To jump ahead 5 seconds press the right arrow key - to jump back 5 seconds press the left arrow key.
  5. Super SloMo - press the period. Keep press the period to move the video ahead frame by frame.
  6. Press the up arrow key to increase 5% in volume. Press the down arrow key to decrease the volume by 5%.
  7. Press Tab to gain control of the media player. To choose an action (like mute) press Enter.
  8. Press C for closed captioning.
  9. To move your video to a specific spot press the number 1 for 10% 2 for 20 20% and so on.
  10. To start your video over again press the number 0.
Take care,

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