Monday, November 26, 2018

Split screen on your iPad. Use the Dock/Home Screen to to create Split View and Slide over Apps.

A great feature that can get overlooked is the Split View/ Slide over Apps capability. This is especially great when users are researching a topic and need to take notes. Users could have a search engine like Google running and then have an app such as Google Keep to take notes.

To create Split View, open an app and then swipe up from the bottom of the iPad. This will bring the Dock up and you can grab one of those apps and drag it to the left or right of the screen. When you would like to see full screen of your original app, just swipe the Split View App to the right. When needed you can "grab" the app from the right by swiping it over.

Embedded below is a 1 minute and 27 second YouTube tutorial.

Take care,

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